
I’ve put together this website to collect some valuable resources to help get your head around New Zealand elections. Particularly the MMP calculator to fill the gap created by the removal of the Electoral Commission’s tool, and historical polling data so that it’s easier to visualise and put current results in historical perspective.

I’m digital marketing expert based in Melbourne with substantial experience working for Labo(u)r on both sides of the Tasman Sea. I have very rusty coding skills and part of this project was to give me a recreational opportunity to brush them up.

Many thanks to all those who have given me help and advice in building this site. I’d also like to thank Geoff Pritchard from the Department of Statistics at Auckland University who’s work forms the core of my MMP calculator. I’d also like to thank Reza Najafi and Dane Lewis for helping me with the massive shortcomings in my own coding ability. And to the very good people who keep the polling data on Wikipedia updated – my endless thanks.

Known Issues

This site isn’t perfect. Here is a list of issues I know about. If you spot any other problems, or have an idea for something you’d like to see, feel free to contact me.

  • Polling graphs are not spaced by polling date, although they are in poll date order.
  • The tables on the front page and the historical polling page are difficult to read on mobile, I'm working on fixing that up.

Future Improvements

I have a few ideas for things I'd like to implement as time allows and more data becomes availible.

  • I would love to extend my database of historical polls, if you have any data or know where I can find some, please send it through
  • Interactive map with booth-level results.


If you spot any issues problems, or have an idea for something you’d like to see, feel free to contact me at [email protected].


This site costs money to host and maintain. If you find it useful, please consider making a donation to keep it live.